Based on my personal observation of human interaction these days, pessimism is running rampant. It seems to me that a great many people blame ‘the world’ for their current circumstances, presupposing that their current circumstances are bad and comparing the situations of poorly defined others who have ‘better’ lives and/or the imagining of another era (that never existed) in which things would be ‘better’.
I’ve never really understood this idea of blaming everyone else for not ‘getting ahead’. It seems to me that if you were to give up on a goal because it’s too hard to achieve due to the obstacles ‘others’ have placed in your path, then you’ve traded a difficult task for an insurmountable one: how is whining about it going to change the world around you to suit your needs? Isn’t it easier to circumvent the obstacles in your path rather than to point at them hoping that someone will remove them for you? In addition to that, it is necessary sometimes to acknowledge that an obstacle cannot be removed or a goal cannot be reached and move on to something else.
When I was in grade school my best friend and I used to come up with some pretty fanciful ideas. The one that I always remember was his idea to create a ‘flashdark’. I don’t recall why he needed one or what its intended use would be but I do remember how he came up with the idea that darkness wasn’t simply the absence of light but a particle all its own. His idea, assuming this were true, would be to create a device which would emit such particles much like a flashlight emits light.
Years later, I related the tale to two other friends who fancied themselves physicists. They laughed at the idea and at me for believing it possible. My naysayers likely mistook my assertion of the possible with that of the probable (and in this case highly probable). People are wont to do this. But possible is as far from probable as probable is from provable. They didn’t understand the distinction at the time and that I had stated possible, not probable. I assume they do now.