Vox Newman

The Human, Grey, Reptilian Agency

June 15, 2011
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I was having coffee with a Grey named D’xia’lepid’othec and a Reptilian named Jox.  Actually I was having coffee, D’xia was cleaning his anal probe and Jox was drinking a mocha-human-blood-frappuccino.  We were discussing current exopolitics.discordian society illuminati Human Grey Reptilian Agency voxnewman

Both of them, like myself earlier, were recently let go in the downsizing that followed the market meltdown in 2008.  In fact, Jox had only been let go last week and D’xia was let go a few days before that.  The Grey and I were quite surprised to learn that Reptilians had been behind the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and had billions of their liquid assets wiped off their books.


The Sawyer Beard

June 13, 2011

Our next beard is my favourite.  This beard is the one most often sported by Josh Holloway who played James “Sawyer” Ford in the JJ Abrams TV show “Lost” .  Here’s my review:

the beard report review voxnewman Josh Holloway sawyer from lost beard


Free Ebook Launch

May 22, 2011

While I’ve been spending time querying agents and publishers for my novel ‘Fey Girl’, I decided that I’d like to reach out to my audience preemptively.  I’m not sure who this audience is, but I figure every collection of creative works has one.kevin newman all night by the rose free ebook cover

In any case, I’ve put out a free ebook here.  It’s a collection of short stories that I’ve written over the years and I’ve converted it into several different file formats for devices and ereaders.

Why is it free?  Well, I could send these out to all kinds of magazines until someone agrees to publish them, but after all that work, it’s not like it would pay much so I might as well give them away for free.

Here’s a brief synopses of each story:


And When I Get That Feeling

May 18, 2011

I’ll probably write on or at least mention this topic often, because when I first discovered what was happening, it was a total “Aha!” moment.  The moment occurred shortly after I wrote my first novel in 2005.

This novel still sits as a manuscript because it’s 500 pages long in Microsoft Word and I haven’t gotten around to editing it despite the mammoth effort by my friend Corinne to proof-read it for me.  She’s been totally helpful over the years and was there to help me again for my second novel and I did actually edit it.  I really couldn’t have got it into paperback form without her help.  Everyone needs friends like this.and when I get that feeling word healing marvin gaye vox newman

In regards to that first novel, I was unemployed at the time and decided to remain so at least until I finally forced myself to get down to it and actually write at least one novel.  I didn’t know if I had it in me, because I was convinced I was better suited to short stories.  But luckily I set a goal and had the help of a nagging mother.  The goal was to treat it like a job.  I started writing at 9 am each morning, took two 15 minute breaks, a 30 min lunch and ended each day at 5 pm: 5 days a week from the beginning of May until mid-June until I was finished.


Windmill Beard

May 16, 2011

Welcome to the first edition of the Beard Report.

Our first beard is also the most outrageous.  This beard was discovered by some friends of mine: this man resembles someone we know who is also known for his formidable beards.  Here’s my review:


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