Vox Newman

Fey Girl and into Fey World

October 13, 2012
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This is an update on what I’m doing and where I’m at.  I’ve been spending most of my free time writing a collection of short stories as a sort of sideshow to my Fey World series of novels.  These short stories give a historical background for the events found in my first novel in that series, Fey Girl, and also the later sequels. 

A great deal of my time has been spent in research for this collection.  It’s called Fey Tales (which will be the first in several instalments) and it starts off in 1100 BC during the Trojan War.  From there it moves from 1000 BC and the fall of the Tower of Babel, 600(ish) BC after the Battle of Thermopylae, 500(ish) BC in Athens during the time of Socrates and then it jumps forward into the Middle Ages with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in 600(ish) AD, The Knights Templar in 1100(ish) AD, Rasputin 1900(ish) AD, World War II and a tale from the 1980’s. (more…)

Making Apps (Games) for Android, Windows and iPhone Smartphones

August 10, 2012
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This is less of a blog and more of a plea. What I’m hoping is that some knowledgeable folk will find this blog and comment to help me out. I’d rather that than search through endless forums that are only tangeantially discussing what I’m looking for.

I’ve been considering for some time, the idea of making a video game. I guess, like others, that I’ve had this desire since I started playing story-driven games when I was a teen. I probably started to think about it seriously when Assasin’s Creed was released. That game seemed to me to be the flagship of a new era where gaming would incorporate good writing beyond just focusing on game-play and graphics.

I’ll interject here and state that this is my view and that I don’t want this to spark a debate about which games are well written and which aren’t. So, if you’re reading this, please be generous and keep your comments directed toward answering my question.


Word Up

May 23, 2012
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I’m fascinated by words, maybe beyond fascinated: I like how they look on a ‘page’ and how they form a coherent picture when they combine.  But, more to the point, I love how they take shape in my mind and how they feel, coming out of my mouth (this may have contributed to my need to share my words with everyone).
I guess you could say that is why I write.

Even more than this basic emotional response, I am also driven by a rational deconsruction of the words that I present and those that are presented to me.  Mostly, I favour the efficiency of words, meaning that my preference is to use the smallest most common word that represents the concept I am thinking of.  This began when I turned against the idea that a larger vocabulary suggests more knowledge: to be more precise it was in opposition to those who think that big words and/or words that went unused by the ‘commoners’ show that the person knows what they’re talking about.


Rise of the Planet of the Apes

June 22, 2011

If there were two movies that to my young mind shaped my view of the world, right now I’d say they were Planet of the Nerds and Revenge of the Apes.  You all remember these movies right?  Who couldn’t?detective chimp revenge of the nerds rise of the planet of the apes voxnewman

In the first movie you have intrepid Nietzschean astronauts flung far into the future who discover to their dread that nerds have taken over the planet (sort of the opposite of this movie).  It’s full of dramatic performances and great lines like ‘You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!’ and ‘Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty nerd!’

The other movie, of course, was your typical pubescent sex-romp-coming-of-age-tale.  Apes get their own fraternity and steal a bunch of sorority girls’ panties and put on some new-age laser-light show.  And of course there’s Ogre yelling ‘Apes!’ from the balcony.


No.  Wait.


The Human, Grey, Reptilian Agency

June 15, 2011
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I was having coffee with a Grey named D’xia’lepid’othec and a Reptilian named Jox.  Actually I was having coffee, D’xia was cleaning his anal probe and Jox was drinking a mocha-human-blood-frappuccino.  We were discussing current exopolitics.discordian society illuminati Human Grey Reptilian Agency voxnewman

Both of them, like myself earlier, were recently let go in the downsizing that followed the market meltdown in 2008.  In fact, Jox had only been let go last week and D’xia was let go a few days before that.  The Grey and I were quite surprised to learn that Reptilians had been behind the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and had billions of their liquid assets wiped off their books.


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