Vox Newman

Toronto Murder Imitates CSI: NY Plot

April 18, 2011

This is something I just had to write about.  Recently, there was a murder in Toronto, Ontario near York University.  Check out today’s reporting on it here.

What is known so far is that a young woman, a student from Beijing, living near York University’s campus was murdered while her friend – thousands of kilometres away – watched on webcam.  A man apparently knocked at the door and asked to use her cell-phone; this man then entered the apartment and murdered her.gary simise csi new york toronto murder webcam vox newman life imitating art

This is, of course, a shocking crime and not to make light of it, but as soon as I heard about this I was reminded of one of the few episodes I’ve seen of CSI: New York.  Check out the scene I’m thinking of here.


But It’ll Be 178 Good Years

April 16, 2011


vox newman bwains gravestone

I’ve come to a conclusion (for now) as to how I wish my gravestone to look.  As always, the song that should be played for my funeral is “The Beautiful People” by Marilyn Manson.


Round 2: Legislate!

April 14, 2011

emperor prime minister palpatine harper republic intergalactic senate canadian house of commons

Emperor Harper

April 13, 2011

It’s the day after the English language leaders’ debate for the Canadian federal election.  What I wonder is if the issue that should be paramount in voters’ minds is getting the traction it needs.  The issue I’m talking about is tied to how the Harper government failed, triggering an election.  The minority government of Stephen Harper’s Conservative party was defeated by an unprecedented parliamentary motion.  What happened needs restating: the Harper government was not only dissolved by a vote of non-confidence, it was also found in contempt of Parliament.  This is the first time a sitting Prime Minister’s government has been found in contempt of Parliament. emperor harper nero plays fiddle piano while rome canada burns

Is this serious? Yes.  And is it something that should be an election issue?  Harper doesn’t seem to think so but then again he likes to mislead Canadians anyway.

“Whoa!  What does that mean?” you ask.

And my answer is that Harper fabricated a myth when he first faced the wrath of the opposition parties in the winter of 2008/09.  I remember, during that time-period speaking with a friend who had voted for the Conservative party in the previous election.  She was very concerned that the Liberals and NDP were acting illegally.  I was extremely confused by her reaction because up until that moment I was under the impression that the workings of our Parliamentary system were common knowledge at least as far as minority governments were concerned.  Of course, what happened to Joe Clark has been separated by 30 years of relatively stable majority federal governments, but I had assumed up until that point that the meat of the tale were still part of our national zeitgeist.

It turns out that I was wrong.


The Black Market

April 9, 2011

Don’t miss it!  Today only, the criminal underworld is having a garage sale: a market on the shores of the Black Sea.  Setting aside their differences, members of the Yakuza, Triads, United Nations, Hell’s Angels, Russian and Italian mobs etc have put aside their differences to bring you this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Need spare pieces for a kneecap?  Look no further.  We’ve got everything you need, such as Sun Tzu’s lesser known work: the ‘Art of the Drive by’.   If you’re in need of cash, all of our vendors can spot you: prime plus 1000.


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